
media query quoted

A collection of 27 issues

Media Query Source: Part 48 - Techronicler (India digital magazine); Important factors to consider when making build-or-buy Gen AI decisions

* Techronicler (India digital magazine) * Important factors to consider when making build-or-buy Gen AI decisions * More than one build-or-buy viewpoint should be considered * Data security and maintainability are top of mind for me My responses ended up being included in an article at Techronicler (January 27, 2025). Extent of verbatim quote
1 min read

Media Query Source: Part 38 - InformationWeek (US digital magazine); Low code: satisfying meal or junk food?

* InformationWeek (US digital magazine) * Low code development platforms * Short-term benefits for the non-technical * Application lifespan often underestimated My responses ended up being included in an article at InformationWeek (May 10, 2022). Extent of verbatim quote highlighted in orange, paraphrased quote highlighted in gray. Above image from cited article. The query
3 min read

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