Community Comment: Part 20 - Shifting the debate from 10x engineers to 10x interactions is unwise
- Debate about the "10x" engineer continues
- Shifting debate to 10x interactions unwise
- Excessive interaction is often a symptom
- Say "yes" to beneficial interaction only
The comments I provided in reaction to a community discussion thread.
Senior Principal Engineer at Food Delivery Firm:
Too many companies delusionally looking for that 10x engineer instead of 10x-ing interactions inside the teams.
Be careful to handle this philosophy with care. Increased interaction within a team isn't inherently beneficial. I've been on many teams, and some have the need for excessive interaction due to poorly planned team organization that doesn't reflect how a given product has been built out. As a longtime consultant who has typically built new products for clients, I have only seen this issue on legacy teams about to be restructured or replaced by modernization or transformation efforts by my teams and I. "Yes" to beneficial interaction only.